GSOC Week 8 : Project Enhancements To The ECEB Application Based On User Study



Welcome back to my weekly blog documenting my progress during the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program with LibreHealth. In this week, I continued my work on enhancing the "Essential Care for Every Baby" project, which aims to improve the care provided to newborns and infants. Throughout the week, I focused on implementing key features and addressing potential design and application issues that arose. Let's dive into the details.

Project Overview:

The Essential Care for Every Baby project aims to provide clinical decision-support for nurses and doctors delivering essential newborn care interventions during the first day of life.  The project's objective is to improve healthcare professionals' ability to provide effective and timely care to this vulnerable population.

Progress Made:

During this week, I made significant progress on several fronts. Here are the key highlights:

Implementation Of OnCallDoctor From NeoReo: So In the past meetings we were discussing on design iterations prepared and which one to proceed with implementation but as complex the process it needs time to decide which workflow will be best and suitable so meanwhile it was decided to proceed with OnCallDoctor functionality from NeoReo into ECEB. This functionality was present in the application before but the implementation was slightly flawed and for consistency between the two applications regarding data of OnCallDoctors It was proposed to be better move on with it. So for the Implementation part, I first had numerous discussions with the mentor and mainly another contributor from NeoReo to understand which approach he has followed to implement OnCall functionality by fetching and posting data to the DHIS2 backend server using that analysis I wrote code for API call, repository and JSON parsing now that data from DHIS2 is in the application I can proceed to fix the model attributes and then display on UI the OnCallDoctor List.
Design Refinements: I dedicated time to address the confusing workflow of the current figma design as because of a lot of iterations it became unclear which is part of which workflow so clarity was important which was done by the end of the week now anyone can understand the current iterations of the application and workflow.
Designing a user-friendly interface for healthcare professionals with varying levels of technical expertise can be challenging. I sought feedback from the LibreHealth community to improve the user experience and make the system intuitive for all users.

Next Steps:

Looking ahead, I have outlined the following tasks for the upcoming week:

Complete work for OnCallDoctors functionality: As for now this functionality is not still properly built in the application and has various issues which could be from the DHIS2 backend so will work alongside another contributor from the neoReo application to integrate it into the current application the model part and display.

Refine User Interface: Based on feedback received, I will make further refinements to the user interface to ensure a seamless and intuitive experience for healthcare professionals.

Documentation and Testing: I will continue documenting the implemented features and their usage guidelines. Additionally, I will conduct thorough testing to identify and fix any remaining issues.


The Eight weeks of Google Summer of Code with LibreHealth proved to be productive, with significant progress made on the "Essential Care for Every Baby" project. As I move forward, I am eager to complete the remaining tasks and contribute to improving healthcare outcomes. Stay tuned for more updates in the upcoming weeks!


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